Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Why Go

        Colombo is rapidly emerging from the bad rap it has carried for decades. No longer just the sprawling city you have to endure on your way to the southern beaches, it has become a worthy destination in its own right. New restaurants designer shops and other attractions open constantly.
        The legacies of colonial Colombo are still very much intact along its often shady boulevards. Fort is in the midst of widespread historic restoration while Pettah brims with markets and rampant commerce.
        Even traffic clogged Galle road is getting spiffier, while the seafront benefits from new roads that are spurring hotel construction. Colombo's cosmopolitan side supports stylish cafes, interesting stores, galleries and museums. Surprises abound in its old quarters. You can easily spend a couple of days exploring this vibrant city and a visit here is an excellent start or finish to to your Sri Lankan adventures.

When to Go

January-March the driest season, with night time cool breezes. More tourists so book hotels in advance.
April Colombo feels empty around the Sinhalese New Year as people return to their home villages.
December Although Christians are a minority, Christmas is popular and decorations are everywhere.

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